Ahoy mates! So, the life of a pirate is calling you, and you need that extra bit of buccaneering to give you that inspiration to take a boat out on the water and feel the breeze in your hair? Then you have found the right place in cyber-space to feed that nautical music craving that's been gnawing at you.
The Bilge Pumps are a pirate music group based in Texas who specialize in performances that combine nautical songs, sea shanties, and Celtic music with a huge (and we mean huge!) dose of silly comedy. The group has recorded five albums worth of original and traditional pirate and nautical music since their founding in 2000 and are still going strong.
Get started on your new Bilge Pumps musical addiction by subscribing to the band's mailing list and receiving an authentic pirate song for free! Not to mention getting mailing list exclusives like insider information about the band and special merchandise deals.
Get your free Bilge Pumps mp3!
Enter your email to join our mailing list and receive an mp3 of the Bilge Pumps' nautical song, "Bonnie Ship the Diamond". MP3 will be sent to the email provided.
